Wednesday, September 10, 2014

First Blog

First Blog 

Kat's Creations

Here's my new blog where I intend to write about all of my different creations from writing to sewing. I'm a writer, cook, and embroideress and here I will showcase all of my progress on my multiple projects. I'll also be giving my commentary on different books and movies as well.

I want to share my many passions and give incite into my novel writing. At the moment I'm working on writing 2 different books, both fantasy. One is about the journey of a girl into another realm where she must help save their people. The second is about the return of King Arthur, the story of how his parents got married and how they prepared for his arrival. Neither have an official title yet, the first one is nearly done and hopefully soon to be sent out to a publisher. 

My sewing project of the moment is an embroidery of a Hobbit hole. It's a little slow coming along but it should be very awesome when it's done. I'm also planning to make some quilted pillows soon featuring Pacman ghosts or a Tardis. Haven't decided yet. Here's a picture of the Chip embroidery I did a little while ago, sewn and beaded all by hand.

If you haven't been able to tell yet, I'm kind of a geek. Big into Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Firefly, and Doctor Who. I'm also very obsessed with the medieval period, the Tudors, Shakespeare, and King Arthur being my main focuses of the time period. 

I recently got married so a lot of my projects have been put on hold lately, but hopefully now I'll have time to get some things done. I'll update you all on my progress as I go.

Thanks for reading. Hopefully I'll have project updates soon. Today I'm planning on making cranberry scones, I'll show how they turn out later.

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